How a template-based approach towards GitOps reduces time-to-market
and ensures swift application management.

Scroll to see, how we did it for one of our Global clients


Brands who leverage BuildPiper for GitOps

  • Wheebox
    Seamlessly orchestrated the workflow for multiple environments, right from development to quality assurance to production, with end-to-end pipeline management.
  • Apnamart
    Their complete Dev environment is seamlessly managed through GitOps.
  • Kira Studio
    Runs their static code analysis via GitOps, following which the reports get published to an S3 bucket or a JSON document is created, later sent back to the developers for analysis.
  • Skuad
    GitOps enables seamless comment publishing to JIRA tickets, triggering initial build or deploy operations in corresponding environments for an integrated and automated workflow.
what is AWS Graviton?

Now, what is Gitops?

GitOps is an operational framework that extends DevOps best practices employed in application development, encompassing aspects like version control, collaboration, compliance, and CI/CD, and applies these principles to the domain of infrastructure automation.

Benefits of GitOps

The benefits of GitOps for teams

  • Version Control Version Control

    Leverages version control systems to enable easy tracking of changes, rollback to previous states, and collaboration among team members while maintaining a history of configurations

  • Centralized documentation
Declarative Infrastructure

    Eliminates the need for manual intervention, as the system continuously applies and enforces the desired configuration specified in the version-controlled repository.

  • Consistent Environments Consistent Environments

    Ensures consistency across different environments, such as development, testing, and production.

  • Automated Continuous Delivery Automated Continuous Delivery

    Changes pushed to the Git repository trigger automated pipelines, ensuring rapid and reliable delivery of new features, updates, and fixes.

  • Improved Collaboration Improved Collaboration and Visibility

    With infrastructure configurations stored in a Git repository, team members can review, comment, and contribute to the code, fostering a collaborative and transparent development process.

A New Gate

When do you need GitOps?

When aiming for streamlined collaboration, declarative infrastructure, and automated continuous delivery through version control systems like Git: GitOps becomes particularly beneficial for organizations prioritizing efficient and collaborative management of infrastructure.

about GitOps

GitOps with BuildPiper

Few Benefits to start with

Universal Workflow
Universal Workflow Compatibility

Embrace GitOps across any VCS and platform for a unified development experience.
Faster feature gitops
Faster feature releases

No more manual triggers, get all your processes automated.

Single-click GitOps Configuration
Single-click GitOps Configuration

Pre-defined templates to simplify GitOps workflows

GitOps for Infrastructure Automation made easy with BuildPiper
A New way to GitOps

GitOps for Infrastructure Automation made easy with BuildPiper

BuildPiper enables teams to create an EventListener and define actions that need to be executed in response to the webhook request received. Whenever an event is triggered in the Git repo, a webhook request is sent to the specified URL. As soon as the EventListener receives the message(enclosed within the webhook request), it executes the defined actions.


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