Secret Management in Kubernetes
In this workshop, we will cover – What is secret management and why we need it, the concept behind secret management.
Watch NowHow to Write Effective Dockerfile
In this mini-workshop, we will learn how to write an effective Dockerfile with best practices. We will cover these items in..
Watch NowAWS Cloudwatch
In this workshop, we will learn about AWS Cloudwatch, providing an emphasis on the monitoring requirement and toolset available with AWS Cloud.
Watch NowReadiness and Liveness Probes in Kubernetes
In this workshop, we will be learn about Readiness and Liveness Probes in Kubernetes
Watch NowIntroduction to EKS
In this mini-workshop, we will have a detailed introduction to EKS, focusing on the Orchestration Fundamentals, Setting up K8s in different
Watch NowAWS – X Ray
In this workshop, we will learn about AWS -X Ray, covering – What is distributed tracing? Why we need distributed tracing? AWS X-Ray, Features of AWS
Watch NowAWS – Lambda
In this workshop, we will learn about AWS Lambda, covering – Introduction to Serverless, Serverless on AWS, Introduction to AWS Lambda,
Watch NowTerraform & Terraform Workspaces
In this workshop, we will have an Introduction to Terraform and will know about Terraform variable
Watch NowNamespace, Quota and Limits
In this mini-workshop, we will cover different concepts around namespace and quota. What and why Namespace, Quota, also Different types of Quota, Limits
Watch NowModern Age Microservices
In this workshop, we will cover Microservice based architecture, Intermediate: microservices deployments, replica set, services, and ingress controller,
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